Sunday, November 4, 2012

Diabetes Awareness Month

November is American Diabetes Awareness Month. It is also a special month to a host of other illnesses and causes, all very important, but I'll be focusing on diabetes. My daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes 10 months ago, so a cure is at the top of our wish list. 

This is the army of mini Dinobeadies for Diabetes that are on hand right now in my Dinos for Diabetes section. Each one is $10, and proceeds will go to the JDRF

**Also, during November, everyone who purchases a mini dino will be entered into a drawing for a FREE bead! It's my way of saying thank you for all the support these little dinos have gotten over the past few months. These mini dinos have already earned over $1000 for the cause! I'm hoping to add a lot to that total during November.

During November I'll photograph the mini dinos with some of the equipment that comes with being a diabetic.

 This little blue dino is staring down the opening of the lancing device. Hold that hole on your finger, and with one quick push of the button a tiny lancet pops out and pierces your skin. This is how diabetics get that much needed blood sample to test their blood sugar. 

Next that tiny drop of blood is put on a test strip that's been inserted in a blood glucose tester. The pink dino above will be sure to throw away her used test strips. She knows that as cool looking as they are, leaving them on the table or the counter is not the best idea.

After a few seconds, the tester reads the amount of sugar in the blood. This dino is in the safe range, at 108. Way to go! Normal is from 70 to 130.

If it's time to eat, then a diabetic has to put insulin into her body before her meal. The orange dino uses an insulin pen for injections. 

The purple dino has picked out a pen needle, which attaches to the insulin pen and is used for the injection, which can be in the stomach, leg or arm. 

The yellow dino is hanging out on some glucose tablets. These sugar tabs help a diabetic with low blood sugar get her numbers up quickly to the normal range. Diabetics should always carry glucose or other fast-acting sugar with them.

Thanks for checking out my new mini dinobeadies for diabetes and all of their equipment! They all hope to help raise money for a cure for Diabetes.

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