Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Brand New Day, A Brand New Blog

Hi there - this is my brand new blog. It even has that new blog smell. Mmmmm. My former blog - 2sisters4art, which I shared with my sister, is no more. We have decided to part ways. Don't worry, we're still the best of friends - it's a completely amicable blog separation. The original blog was her idea, and we both had every intention of posting regularly and keeping it going. But we weren't exactly consistent in that department. So, we've decided to split up and create new, separate blogs. Once hers is up and running, I'll post a link so you can find her and her fab kid art.

For this blog, I'm hoping to continue posting specials in my Etsy and Artfire shops, random recipes, book recommendations and giveaways.

Thanks for finding me here!


  1. Good luck I started my blog out with a bang now I post a picture every wednesday!

  2. Great blog, Lauren! You work fast! : )

  3. Lookin' good, Lauren! Congrats on the new blog.

  4. Glad to hear the blog-vorce was amicable. I'm looking forward to reading both of your blogs!

  5. Haha - blog-vorce! That's a good one, Mallory. Yes, we're totally fine. We've always been good at sharing, too (we're 18 months apart, so we're close), but she was feeling badly because I was posting more than her. Which wasn't that much. So now we'll each go at our own slow pace. Thanks for the follows, everyone!

  6. I'm eager to read more of your musings and your creative process!
