This week's Therapeutic Thursday is twofold. First, I'll reveal to you my lack of artistic drawing skills by showing you a picture of the bananas I put in my kids' lunches. I start each week day with making lunches, and although I have a 13-year-old who is perfectly capable of making a lunch, I still supplement his choices by adding fruit or carrot sticks or some other healthy addition. A few years ago I took to drawing faces on the fruit that has inedible skin, like bananas and clementines (these are especially fun to draw on due to the puckered peel - I've sent many a angry-old-man clementine to school over the years). My kids haven't tired of this practice yet. I like to think it's a little bright spot in their day, pulling out their banana and finding Mr. Mustachio looking back at them. So there's the therapeutic part - I get to draw silly faces (therapeutic for me) and they get to enjoy them or peel them off quickly before anyone sees (although there's a boy in my first-grader's class who asks to see her banana everyday, so at that age it's pretty fun). And the point I made about showing you my lack of drawing skills is this: it just goes to prove that if you're not good at one thing (for me, drawing - although I really really wanted to be good at it as a kid), there is still something else out there for you. Who knew that I would be nearly 40 years old before I found my niche in the artistic world? I know you can, too. Start with bananas.
And here's a banana phone. These can come in handy in school cafeteria emergencies.