Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday is on FIRE ~ check out our challenge!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Therapy Thursday ~ with Miley?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Penguins and Tutorial Talk

Monday, October 26, 2009
For the Love of Wiener Dogs

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sppoooooky SALE

Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday is on FIRE!

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Therapy Thursday ~ time for a joke
Monday, October 19, 2009
Chocolate on the Brain ~ Random Book Review

Sunday, October 18, 2009
L@@ky What I Bought

Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday is on FIRE!

How did you find your craft, or did it find you?
I had been stringing beads and making simple fimo beads while in high school and college. I had seen Indian lampwork beads, but didn't use them as they were really bad. While at a local arts and crafts fair in my home town of Seattle I saw and bought my first true artisan lampwork bead. The artist told me that I could take a class at my local bead store. I took that first class at Glass Expressions in Burien WA and I was immediately hooked.
Favorite color glass?
Oh this is too hard. I like so may colors. My favorite color is purple, so I like: Ink Blue, Psyche. I like reactive colors so I like: Opal Yellow, Ivory (all of them), Copper Green. I like striking and reducing colors and mine are: Blue Chalcedony, Gaia, Bullseye Copper Green Luster
Do you have a nickname?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate (but really prefer Strawberry)
Laundry hamper: full or empty?
What did you have for dinner last night?
Bed: made or unmade?
What’s on your nightstand?
Last book you read:
An Echo in the Bone - Still working on it actually.
Salad dressing: on the side or mixed in?
Ever eat Playdoh?
Eck, no
How do you like your eggs?
Ever have a perm?
Yup, and I back combed it for big bangs too. Ahhhhh, the late 80s and early 90s.
Three favorite condiments?
Mustard, Mustard and Mustard
Deep dish or thin crust?
Regular, kind of a medium.
What’s on your living room wall?
Historic flower prints, a framed abstract poster and a mixed media collage with handmade paper and leaf skeletons.
Least favorite smell?
Can you play an instrument?
Slightly - Piano
Pets' names:
Beetle (cat)
Ever try their (your pets') food?
Ack, no.
Ever broken a bone?
No, but came close when a bolder fell on my knee.
Do you like guacamole?
Mmmmmm Yum.
Most proud of:
Graduating from nursing school with by BSN.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Therapy Thursday ~ and boy do I need it!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Warning: Sale Ahead

Monday, October 12, 2009
Take Care of the Girls

Saturday, October 10, 2009
It's True! My Beads Really are Realistic!

Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday is on FIRE!

Juicy Candy Orange Dichroic Ice Cube Lampwork Bead
It's FRIDAY! And you know what that means - time to pry into the life of another Fire Diva. On the hot seat today is Jennifer, of GlassAddictions. She might have named her shop after her own glass addiction, but I'm quite confident her gorgeous creations will have you thinking a 12-step program would be the only way to quit looking at her intricate beads. Each one is a work of art in itself. Don't take my word for it - read the interview and have a look!
How did you find your craft, or did it find you?I was already addicted to everything glass (stained glass and fusing) before I started lampworking. My sister in law was making beads. My other glass buddies were all getting torches. I resisted as long as I could possibly tolerate (about 3 months) and then got a torch. Now I hardly ever do any fusing and haven't made a stained glass panel in about 5 years.Favorite color glass?Seriously? I have to pick just one? I guess it would have to be Effetre Dark Silver Plum. However, I don't think I could live without clear, even though it is not a particularly exciting color.Do you have a nickname?Jenny, Jen, my Dad calls me Jenny-FUR, I also go by Mom, but periodically I get so sick of hearing "MOM!" that I threaten to change my name to Consuela.Chocolate or Vanilla?Dark ChocolateLaundry hamper: full or empty?well...technically empty. However, that is because 3 out of 4 people don't know what a laundry hamper is and anything that actually makes it into a hamper, the Golden Retriever drags out into the middle of the living room.What did you have for dinner last night?This is so embarrassing! It was leftovers. I ate the leftover refried beans, cheese and salsa with Doritos. Super healthy dinner.Bed: made or unmade?unmade.What’s on your nightstand?The top layer? Magazines and books. It is piled so high full of stuff there could be all kinds of treasures on that thing.Last book you read:The Kalahari Typing School for Men by Alexander McCall SmithSalad dressing: on the side or mixed in?on the sideEver eat Playdoh?Not that I am aware ofHow do you like your eggs?Scrambled with green peppers, onions, ham, cheddar cheese, garlic powder, rosemary and pepperEver have a perm?yes. The last one was when I was about 20. Then I discovered I have naturally curly hair.Three favorite condiments?Chocolate, raspberry sauce, caramelDeep dish or thin crust?bothWhat’s on your living room wall?
Least favorite smell?vomitCan you play an instrument?not anymore.Pets' names:Oscar (mini labradoodle), Nim (short for Cumulonimbus, Golden Retriever), Lucy (cat), Piper (guinea pig), S'more guinea pig), Cookie (sugar glider)Ever try their (your pets') food?nope. Unless you count the food they steal off our plates as THEIR food...Ever broken a bone?The middle finger of my right hand after getting it caught in the swinging doors when I was at work in the operating room of all places. Having that particular finger splinted was fun....Do you like guacamole?Absolutely!Most proud of:My husband and kids.

Fairy Dust Trail Lampwork Focal Bead

Wrapped Series Lampwork Bead-Blush

Terra Shells and Nuggets

Nightmare Insomnia Series-Reflection Pools |