When I'm asked in blog interviews what inspires me, I know the artsy thing to say would be "nature, textures, the wind, poetry . . . etc." But aside from stuffed animals, I'm most inspired by cartoons. That's right. And I'm not alone.

I still haven't seen Despicable Me, but I've seen the funny little minion characters in the movie trailers. Those are definitely some bead-worthy dudes. Deirdre from anklebiterbeads thought so, too, and she made this little Minion bead, and several more.

Anyone who lives in a pineapple under the sea is definitely an inspiration to sculptural lampworkers. And this bead is by far a perfect tribute to Spongebob himself. Marcy of StudioMarcy made him as a special request for a child in a program called Bead Dreams, which is run through Beads of Courage. Children in the program are suffering serious illnesses, and can request special beads of exactly what they'd like. I'm betting this Spongebob bead (did I mention he glows in the dark?) made a little kid very happy. It makes me happy just looking at it.

I made this little guy after my kids got hooked on the Doodle Jump app. I've only played a few times (I stink), but once I saw the little Doodler I wanted to try to make him out of glass. I gave him an advantage by putting on his jet pack. Now he'll be able to zoom past those funny little monsters . . . hmm . . . those funny little monsters sure would make fun beads . . .