Friday, January 22, 2010

The Waiting . . . It's the Hardest Part

I haven't had anything new in my Etsy shop for a while now. That's not because I haven't been busy torching. In fact, I have a bunch of new beads that have been annealed and cleaned and are all set to go. There's just been a slight back-up -- at the photo staging area. Here's how it works around here: I make the beads, anneal and clean them. Then I take pictures of them using my husband's camera, which he has set up on a tripod in front of our light box. Then my husband processes and sizes the pictures for me (which can take a while - thanks, honey!). This week, however, my husband took the camera (the nerve!) off the tripod to shoot some pictures at a friend's son's hockey game. So my critters have been lining up at the light box, much like the American Idol contestants do outside the various tryout stadiums. Yesterday my husband set his camera back up and all the critters cheered. I even heard one say "I'm the next American Idol!" They get carried away on photo shoot day. So I was able to start photographing again. There should be quite a few new beads in my shop in the coming days. Thanks for waiting!

Don't worry - that's not a rocket ship in the picture. It's a blowy thing (technical term) for my husband's camera, but we use it on the bead holes to get the excess bead release out. So the critters aren't about to blast off into outer space.


  1. Very well trained beads. Waiting like the people at an english bus station!

  2. i see some potential american critters in that patient they are...good for them...this is a great post lauren...

  3. I chuckled to see the back up of little critters waiting to get their pictures done.. they are very patient waiting in that long line.. :-) oh yes.. they are so cute!

  4. OMG! This is so funny. Girlfriend... we need to get you into a photoshop class!

    Hope you got the emails I sent!!!

  5. Hi Lauren!

    Your blog brings me smiles with every post! I really like your style and that's why I am awarding you with a Sunshine Blog Award. I love your sense of humor and it shines through your beads!

    Check out your award here
